
Control and prevention of animal diseases - The spatial aspects

The webinar “Control and prevention of animal diseases - The spatial aspects” is dedicated to provide theoretical information about the spatial aspects that characterise the control and prevention of aquatic animal disease, and about the peculiarities of different ecosystem and species involved in the aquatic domain.

Element of GIS: the 5 components

The five components of GIS (people, methods, data, software and hardware) are the fundamental framework upon which organise a GIS project. Understand their role and importance provides the organisational foundation that empowers users to study, design and implement GIS projects. By using one of the GIS project presented during the webinar “How GIS can be practically used in aquatic animal health domain” the five component will be identified, described, and discussed.

An overview to GIS technologies

In the webinar "An overview to GIS technologies" a definition of GIS is provided by using the different views or perspectives to its usage. Moreover, the fundamental concept of features, layers, attributes and symbols were presented and discussed.

GIS maturity assessment

The webinar "GIS maturity assessment" is dedicated to provide instruction to the project beneficiaries to fulfill the self-assessment checklist dedicated to acquire a pre-evolution of their operational GIS capabilities result of the self-assessment will be used to evaluate and prioritize for each beneficiary next steps dedicated to the capacity building paper.

How GIS can be practically used in aquatic animal health domain

The webinar "How GIS can be practically used in aquatic animal health domain" is dedicated to present GIS projects already developed by the project participants that will be presented as best practices.
The aim of the webinar is to exchange knowledge, experience and best practices in an effort to promote the use of GIS application, GIS function or spatial data used to support aquatic animal health activities.
By presenting selected best practices and work methods developed by the project participants, the webinar participants can gresp ideas and identify solutions that they can re-use for their GIS projects.

Project scope gathering for the implementation of GIS project in the aquatic animal health domain

The webinar "Project scope gathering for the implementation of GIS project in the aquatic animal health domain" focuses on one-on-one interview with each beneficiary to gather technological and organisational information useful to organise the study visits and the capacity building phase.
The purpose of this series of webinars is the identification and description of the GIS project goals and outcomes required by the project beneficiaries.