Data Product Specification

These references are available through the presentations created by the coooperation of IZSVe and OIE, in the first months of the 2021. The presentations are available in the section “Activities”. (In prject description – task – task 1 mettere un collegamento ipertestuale alla sezione activities (da creare), nella quale caricare le 5 presentazione GeoZone Moodle + requirements analysis approach).

Application Schema

A conceptual scheme for data required by one or more applications.

Data Product Specification

Document that aims to define the characteristics of a newly developed data product. It provides the formal description of data structure and content and facilitates the acquisition, process, analysis, access, presentation and transfer of geographic data.

Technical Guidance

Step by step guide on the implementation of the zone data product specification.

ISO 19100

Series of standards for defining, describing, and managing information concerning objects or phenomena directly or indirectly associated with a location relative to the Earth.

Feature Catalogue

Catalogue containing definitions and descriptions of the feature types, feature attributes, and feature relationships occurring in one or more sets of geographic data, together with any feature operations that may be applied [ref.: ISO 19101].

Data Quality

The extent or characteristic(s) of the data for which quality information is reported (Temporal accuracy, completeness, logical consistency, positional accuracy, thematic accuracy).


A describes the administration, organization, contents and quality of geographic information of a dataset. Description of the extent, quality, spatial and temporal scheme, spatial reference, and distribution of digital geographic data. Structure for describing digital geographic data, To describe the content, reference system, quality, and other characteristics of the data.

Requirement Analysis

the process of defining user expectations for new software being built or modified.

Spatial object

Feature Specialization – association describing inheritance relationship between feature types, where a more general feature type is the result of generalization and a specialized feature type is the result of specification. Object used for representing a spatial characteristic of a feature [ref.: ISO 19107].


The language to model the application schemas.

Use case Analysis

The process used to model the system functionalities from the perspective of a system user.

Use case Diagram

It is a graphical representation that visualises the behaviour of a system from the point of view of the user.

Use cases

Use cases describe the interaction between the system and external users that leads to achieving particular goals.


A part of a country defined by the Veterinary Authority, containing an animal population or subpopulation with a specific animal health status with respect to an infection or infestation for the purposes of international trade or disease prevention or control. (2018- Oie Terrestrial Animal Health Code).