
Chapter 4.4 of the WOAH Terrestrial Code outlines the procedures for Members to establish and maintain different subpopulations with specific health statuses within their territories. This is crucial for international trade, disease prevention or control. However, the chapter lacks a clear definition of how to represent a zone geographically. To address this gap, the WOAH initiated the GeoZone Project, which aims to establish rules for representing zones from a geographical perspective.


This document aims to provide technical guideline to assits Members in sharing zone geospatial data. Specifically, it defines the necessary information for standardizing zone geospatial data, provide suggestions on how to organise a protocol for managing such data, outlines formatting and content requirements to transfer zone geospatial data to WOAH or another Member, and provides guidance on inquiring about and working with received data.


After the development of different version of the document, the final version was integrated with the plugin and a video tutorial with explication of how to install it, how to activate GeoZone, how to create a zone and how to insert the attributes.